Sunday 21 September 2014

Focus Group Preparation

WW1 Focus Group                    
Date……………….               Numbers Present……

  1. Do you think History is important? Justify your answer.
  2. Discuss what you think about when you hear the phrase “World War 1”.
  3. Discuss what you know about WW1
  4. Do you think the first world war has had any effect on your life.
  5. When you watch a program or read a book about WW1 what do you expect to find?
  6. Analyse the following images for a few minutes. (Answer the next three questions 1 image at a time.)
  7. Describe what you see.
  8. How does this image make you feel?
  9. What do you think the purpose of this image was?
  10. Do any of you know of your ancestors lives in WW1, if so share what you know.
  11. Shoreham was home to thousands of soldiers from all over the world during the war, a focal point for the commonwealth army with a railhead, seaport and airport in a strategic position on the south coast becoming the location for forming the 24th Division. Did you even know it existed?
  12. How does it feel to know that such an important part of history is on your doorstep?
  13. This focus group was put together because i'm making a documentary about shoreham army camp. What would you expect to see from this kind of documentary?
  14. What do you think the soldiers did for entertainment?
  15. If you could a soldier at the camp one question what would it be?

Question 6 References

ww1 truce soccer game.jpg

ww1 Loss.jpg
ww1 kitchener poster.jpg
ww1 quote.jpg

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